Phase 3: Old Town Hall Restoration, The Big One – Nov. 10th


CitySpace, the nonprofit organization that manages Easthampton’s old Town Hall, will hold a public presentation of the design for “Phase 3, old Town Hall Restoration, The Big One” at 7p.m. in Flywheel Arts Collective, at 43 Main Street Easthampton on Thursday, November 10, 2016. Architects Kuhn Riddle Architects will present their proposal and attendees will have the opportunity to meet CitySpace members. This event is free and open to the public. No tickets necessary. Refreshments will be provided by Galaxy.

More information:

CitySpace’s goal is to create a multi-use 250-seat performance space that will be available for use by the community for performances and events. The second floor grand hall requires installation of an elevator to make it ADA compliant and accessible to the public. Kuhn Riddle has created an extensive design that includes design of the elevator, entry, office, storage, and performance space. Come check it out, ask questions and learn about your historic gem in Easthampton’s center.