Deep Listening Workshops in July & August

Flywheel is hosting a series of 6 workshops on Saturdays, July 27 – August 31 from 1-2 pm. Read below for more information!

Deep Listening is a collective sound practice developed by queer feminist composer and improviser Pauline Oliveros (1932-2016), which she taught and refined throughout her long life as a leading experimentalist in North America. Drawing on her experiences with music, Zen meditation, and other eclectic influences, the method allows for focused investigation of our capacity to listen—to sounds, to one another, and to ourselves.

Alex Rodríguez, a recent arrival in Easthampton from Portland, Oregon, has been studying the Deep Listening approach since 2012. These workshops will serve as the capstone project of his certification in the Center for Deep Listening’s teacher training program. Dr. Rodríguez has performed creative music around the world since graduating from Amherst College over a decade ago. He recently earned a PhD in Ethnomusicology from UCLA, where his researched focused on jazz clubs and the creative communities that sustain them in Los Angeles, USA; Santiago, Chile; and Novosibirsk, Siberia.

This workshop aims to connect musicians, meditators, and other curious listeners to the practice of Deep Listening over the course of six weeks. Drop-ins for single sessions are welcome, although attending multiple sessions will allow for further refinement of the practice. Musicians with instrumental training in any tradition are welcome to bring their instrument, but no musical background is required to participate in the workshops.

Suggested donation: $10 (1 class) or $50 (6 classes)
Half of proceeds support continued operations at Flywheel

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