Did you know that Flywheel is one of the Valley’s oldest, volunteer-run, DIY collectives? We’ve been serving the underground music and art community for over 20 years. Bill Clinton was president when we opened our doors! From live music, to films, to zines, to kids dance parties, Flywheel continues to serve as a beacon of joy in a sea of mediocrity. Our commitment “to build community and give artists of all types the opportunity to craft, practice, and perform their work in an environment where creativity is valued over profit” remains strong.

Flywheel is now offering sustaining memberships, at all income levels, through the membership platform Member Planet. These sustaining memberships will help us pay artists, purchase new equipment, develop new programs, and more! Why become a member? In addition to joining our extended family, you will receive:

  • First dibs on ticketed shows
  • Free shows
  • Cool Flywheel swag

So, please consider becoming a Flywheel sustaining member. The underground depends on it!

Membership Levels

Note: If you prefer, you can elect to pay any of the monthly amounts all at once. When you are prompted to select your membership level, there are instructions on how to select those as an annual membership.

Cup of Coffee
Membership period: $35.00 Annually
For the price of one coffee per month you can support your favorite local arts collective. With this annual membership level, you will receive a Flywheel pin, and admission to 1 free show. Plus, you can rent Flywheel at our discounted Member rates.

Spectacular Individual
Membership period: $75.00 Annually
Living single? For as little as $6.25 per month you can remove all guilt and support your favorite local arts collective. With this level, you will receive a Flywheel pin, sticker, and admission to 2 free shows. Plus, you can rent Flywheel at our discounted Member rates.

Membership period: $10.00 Monthly
For the cost of a membership to Spotify, you can actually support artists and spaces for art. At this membership level you will receive 1 FW t-shirt, a pin, a sticker, and admission to 2 free shows. Plus, you can rent Flywheel at our discounted Member rates.

F Movie Pass
Membership period: $25.00 Monthly
Remember Movie Pass? Exactly. For the price of 2 movies a month (minus the popcorn) you can help support artists and the arts at Flywheel! Plus you get a t-shirt, pin, sticker, and 5 free shows! Plus, you can rent Flywheel at our discounted Member rates.

Lunch Money
Membership period: $42.00 Monthly
If you eat your lunch out every day at $7 per meal that’s $140 a month. For less than half of that ($42 per month), you can help support artists and the arts at Flywheel! Plus you get a t-shirt, pin, sticker, a free space rental limited to 3 hours (plus regular rental discounts), and 5 free shows!

Cord Cutter
Membership period: $84.00 Monthly
For a fraction of what cable TV costs, you can support local arts and artists by keeping Flywheel alive. Plus you get a FW t-shirt, pin, sticker, 2 free rentals (and discounted Member rates on additional rentals), and free attendance to ALL Flywheel shows!

Visit this page to sign up today: https://www.memberplanet.com/flywheel

We are using a platform called Member Planet to manage all of our memberships. It works similar to Patreon, GoFundMe, and other funding platforms. To become a Flywheel member you will have to create a free account with Member Planet.